▌ 大学英语 College English 优质课程
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Passage Four
At the close of each business day, most trained teachers, administrators, politicians, and statesmen make objective analyses of all that has transpired. They then carefully evaluate performance in the achievement of certain specified objectives. You, as a student, would be wise to adopt the same practice and reflect upon your performance in relating to the achievement of certain personal and educational objectives.
  First, what was your purpose, your motivational force in seeking an education? Did you seek an education in active performance, or did you seek to be educated in passive reception and automatic acquisition(获取) of information that was fed to you? Was the profit motive your primary motivation for obtaining an education? Do you want a better education for the sole purpose of getting a better job? What does the educational process really mean to you?
  We are part of a world in which men thrill to the touch of gold and hearts respond to the word money instead of being thrilled by the thought of good. We five in a world in which we are taught that the pursuit of happiness is an equation for the most rapid acquisition of money, by whatever means.
If profit and money are your first priorities, and compassion and commitment to people your least concern, you have done little other than accumulate some facts and compile some information for future reference. If making money is your daydream and losing money your nightmare, if poverty is your worst fear and making money your most fervent prayer, you have missed the opportunity for education. You have failed yourself and have only received Nome instruction.
16. This passage suggests that students should ______.
  A. assess their aims for learning
  B. learn more to earn more
  C. evaluate their politicians and statesmen
  D. keep knowledge to themselves
  17. The educational procedure should be one in which the student ______.
  A. does what he is told
  B. gets a better education to get a better job
  C. makes principles of education for self-betterment of their aims
  D. approaches the benefits of being well-off

18. The author seems to feel that ______.
  A. people's welfare should be the chief concern in learning
  B. profit has nothing to do with people
  C. poverty is good for the soul
  D. knowledge is not the main objective for learning
  19. A good title for the selection might be ______.
  A. The Benefit of Education
  B. Education Motivation—Progress or Profit
  C. Self-Education
  D. Profit and Money
  20. The word "nightmare" in the last paragraph is nearest in meaning to _______.
  A. a very bad dream B. unhappiness
  C. sleeplessness D. a hazard to your health
  参考答案: A C A B A
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